The Importance of Staying Active

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By: Tony Subia
August 2022
Pancreatic Cancer Patient Daily Routines Depends Upon Status of Treatment
You may have been recently diagnosed, are in the process of treatment or have completed treatment. The stage of your journey with pancreatic cancer will likely determine your ability to continue day-to-day routines. Every patient is different with differing levels of how each can handle with coping with both emotional and physical setbacks of treatments.
If you are feeling well enough, keep facing each day in a way that makes you feel happy, content and confident. Having pancreatic cancer, or any type of cancer will compel you to make a real clear vision of how you will spend the days that lie ahead after diagnosis and treatment. Commit to facing each and every day in positive ways that will inspire hope you pleasure.
Physical activity has been proven to improve muscle strength, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, depression, self-esteem, and confidence of regaining quality of life after successfully coping with the adverse effects pancreatic cancer. Fitness plays a crucial role of overcoming obstacles and tolerating grueling therapies that will help you bounce back more quickly. After consulting with your cancer team, proceed at your own pace.
Ways That May Give You Pleasure
After diagnosis and treatments, keep going to work if you can. Besides, being stricken with pancreatic cancer can quickly become a financial hardship. Continuing to work can relieve some of the stress of dealing with financial hardships. Continue spending quality time with your family and close friends. Continue with activities that provide pleasure. Perhaps that may include golfing, fishing, hiking and other forms of recreation and physical activity you have always enjoyed.
However, be careful not to tire yourself out. Some pancreatic cancer patients may tend to become depressed when becoming tired and exhausted. Get your necessary rest. Feeling strong while enjoying physical activities can do wonders towards the healing process. Research shows that physical activity will keep your body stronger prompting a patient to feel strong enough to overcome weakness and quicken the road to full recovery and the ultimate defeat of pancreatic cancer.
However. Make sure of getting your doctor’s blessing before participating in too much physical activity.
Sustaining Enjoyment is A Crucial Key To Overcoming Emotional and Physical Healing

Focus on having positive thoughts and enjoying life while coping with such a dreadful disease. Try doing things you’ve always yearned to do besides the daily norm. Perhaps you can design a bucket list. Taking a cruise to an exotic place for a well deserved vacation. Maybe rising high above the horizon in a hot air balloon. More physically demanding bucket lists are best reserved after completing treatments and putting pancreatic cancer into remission.
While Still Dealing With Treatment, Set Goals.
Well before completing your treatment, vision the goals you will eventually want to achieve. It will help energize confidence that you will overcome the emotional and physical downsides of coping with tough treatments that may contribute to quicker recovery. Those visions could include planning a trip to visit relatives you have not seen in a long while. Or looking forward to your children’s future weddings. Envision the precious joys of having new grandchildren and the glory of many more anniversary celebrations.