Your Enjoyment and Getting The Most Benefit From Pancreatic Cancer SOS Sessions is Our Priority. Consider Reviewing The Following Tutorial Before Attending Your First Session.

How To Raise Your Hand In A Webinar Or Meeting

Windows | macOS

  1. In the meeting/webinar controls, click Reactions reactions-button__1_.png, then click Raise Hand  
    The host will be notified that you’ve raised your hand.
    If the host allows you to talk, you may be prompted to unmute yourself. While unmuted, your profile picture and name are displayed to the host and panelists. Only your name is displayed to other attendees.
  2. In the meeting/webinar controls, click Lower Hand to lower it, if needed.
    This will not mute yourself if you are unmuted.

Note: Users can also raise or lower their hand with the Alt+Y (Windows) or Option+Y (macOS) keyboard shortcuts.

How To Change Your Name On Zoom During A Meeting

Windows | macOS | Linux


  1. Join a Zoom meeting on the Zoom desktop client.
  2. On the Zoom in-meeting controls, click Participants 
  3. Hover your mouse over your name, then click the ellipses 
  4. Click Rename.
    A pop-up box will appear.
  5. In the pop-up box, enter your display name.
  6. Click Change.

How To Join A Zoom Pancreatic Cancer SOS Session

Step 1. Download The Zoom App

Before joining a scheduled session download a Zoom App. Select the device you will be using. The download link will take your “Zoom Client For Meetings”. Note this IS NOT A ZOOM ACCOUNT and you do not need a Zoom Account to attend a meeting.

Zoom for Computers

Download for PC & MAC

Zoom for Android

Download for Android

Step 2. Joining A Pancreatic Cancer SOS Meeting

On the day of the session, you will receive an email reminder. Following is only an example, so do not try this example meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 0607 1633
Password: 503175

To join a meeting, click the “Join Zoom” link and follow the prompts. We suggest you sign-in several minutes for your first meeting to address and trouble shoot for any problems that may exist.

For most of you:

  • This will takes to the meeting access point – a square box in the middle of your device screen.
  • Inside the “blue box” it will say – Zoom Meeting.
  • To launch into the meeting – Click on OPEN LINK at the bottom of the square.
  • See yourself on screen – Click on the blue box – Join With Video below your picture.
  • The next screen – Click on the blue box – Join With Computer Audio.
  • At the top right of the screen – Click On Enter Full Screen.
  • YOU SHOULD IN THE MEETING. And we are glad to see you.

Step 3. Overview - After You Have Joined A Zoom Meeting

When you join a Zoom meeting hosting by another user, you are considered an “Attendee”.

When on a PC, the attendee controls appear at the bottom of your screen.

When on a MAC, the attendee controls appear at the top of the screen.


Member attendees should have access to a Control Toolbar with features from left to right shown above.

Step 4. Viewing and Controlling Your Control Toolbar

  1. Mute / Unmute Microphone: Click the respective icon to “Unmute to Talk” or “Mute to Silence Your Microphone”.
  2. Start Video / Stop Video. Turns your camera on or off to either permit or not permit others to see your photo. However, you will still be able watch the entirety of the session.
  3. View Member Participants. See who is currently in the meeting. Click on the respective icon and the list of participants will appear at the right of the screen.
  4. Share Screen. You will not need this to participate in the Zoom Meeting.
  5. Chat. Click the chat window to submit questions of the speaker. Chat will open at the right side of the screen. Go to the bottom and see “type message”. Type your message (ie: hello everyone) and click the enter button on your device.
  6. Leave The Meeting. An Attendee can exit the meeting at any time while the meeting still continues. Click on “LEAVE” and follow the prompts. Only the Host Can Conclude The Meeting.